Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thankful for Our Sponsors
Monday, November 10, 2008
Need another reason to renew?
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Our Statewide Network
Jennifer Moss, APR is the Southwest Florida Chapter's Executive Committee Liaison. She is excited about upcoming plans this year, and she's planning to attend PRU in January and the Image Awards Gala in April.
Chapter leaders are certainly delivering on the state Association's theme of "The Birth of New Ideas"! Through their out-of-the-box thinking and strategic planning sessions, FPRA members now have more resources and benefits than ever - each one exponentially increasing the value of their involvment with the organization. Lanette closely read all of the quarterly chapter reports submitted by chapter presidents, then made an extra point to recognize every individual chapter for their best practices and forward thinking accomplishments (see Ginny's prior post for details about how Southwest Florida stood out).
And speaking of of the speakers in the line up will be VP of Planning and Research Chris Gent.
As the man-behind-the-keyboard for many FPRA blogs, Chris' presentation at PRU will show the Power of PR in today's social media-scape. Through his work as Vice President of Corporate Communications at Kissimmee Utility Authority, Chris knows the value of social media and has many great tips for how organizations can implement new tools in their communications plans. Save the date for Friday, January 9, 2009 and watch for registration details coming soon for PRU.
VP of Accreditation and Certification Jeff Nall, APR, CPRC, effectively de-mystifed the CPRC process in a special presentation to the board. He is excited about his role this year, and he encourages FPRA members to invest in themselves by obtaining valuable credentials. Learn more about becoming an APR or CPRC, and let FPRA help you take that next step. Locally, contact SW Florida FPRA Credentialing Chair Mary Briggs, APR, CPRC for more details.
View more photos from the State Board Meeting -
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Piece of the Pie
Congratulations Southwest Florida Chapter! The hard work and careful thought your Leadership Team has put into the first quarter of the year was rewarded at the state Association quarterly meeting...
- With a mention in the "Best Practices" section for the creation of the "Credentialing" Chair name to encompass both Accreditation and Certification programs
- With a mention in the "Best Practices" section for the creation of the pie chart image to visually represent where your Chapter dollars were coming from and where they were going
- Our plan to offer six $100 membership scholarships/rebates is the most generous in the state
- There are fewer than 75 CPRC's in the state - and seven of them belong to the SWFL Chapter - that's 10% of all the pr practitioners in the Association who hold this top level credential!
Did You Renew??
The membership renewal period officially ended October 31. As of that date, our Chapter was the 4th largest in the state Association with 54 members; 59.34% of our members had renewed; and we had reached 52.94% of the goal set for us by the state Association of 102 members. If you have not renewed your membership by the end of November, you will not receive member services. On December 31, 2008 your name will officially be dropped from the rolls and you will incur a late fee to reinstate your membership. With so much in store for FPRA this year, you don't want that to happen!
Image Awards to See Big Changes
As Kathleen mentioned in her post last night, we will assume the responsibilities for chairing our local Image Awards program "Super-Powered PR" - along with assistance from various board members and, hopefully, a lot of YOU who would like to get involved in your Chapter this year! There are a LOT of changes to Image this year, bringing the program into the 21st century with new categories that offer a place for podcasts, blogs, webinars and more (no more 1/2" video tapes!).
SWFL Chapter to Sponsor Golden Image Awards
Each year the Chapters are asked to sponsor a portion of the annual conference, such as the Dillon Dessert, Chocolate Break, Hospitality Suite, etc. Your Board of Directors built Conference sponsorship into the Chapter budget and for 2009, the SWFL Chapter will be the proud sponsors of the Golden Image Awards! This opportunity affords our Chapter great ROI, and provides a way for our Chapter to support the program in which our members are consistently winners.
And the Survey Says... You're It!
Do you know what the #1 reason is that people join FPRA? YOU! That's right - according to the annual benchmark survey, existing members are the #1 reason people join FPRA. Who have you invited to FPRA lately?
There's much more from this meeting to share and we will be compiling notes and making them available to you. For now, we're glad to be back home and ready for the next challenge! Oh - a bit of trip trivia - Kathleen knows EVERY word to ALL the songs from "Mamma Mia"! And boy, can that girl SING!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Soon and Very Soon
On another note, Ginny and I brainstormed some ideas about the coming year. Because there are Image Awards benchmark deadlines are already creeping up, we decided to make it official. Ginny and I will be chairing the Southwest Florida Chapter Image Awards and Gala with the help of several Leadership team members who have enthusiastically volunteered to pitch in. Plenty of committee members added to the mix will really make this a team-earned success! With that determined, she and I were up to our knees in the brainstorm that followed. Image ideas we floated included ways to carry out the theme "SuperPoweRed PR" and new ways to generate buzz to increase the number of entries for this year's awards. How does City Pier turned Gotham City with a PR symbol projected into the sky sound? Also, we tossed around the idea of offering a discount to the event based on prior event attendance and participation. Not to mention, this blog will be a great place to post ongoing progress by the soon-to-be-formed committee.
Although no specifics have been decided yet on Image, two things are for certain: 1. Ginny and I are amped up about the events to come this year, and 2. Long drives go by in a heartbeat when you have so many exciting things to talk about on the way!
Kathleen Taylor
PRUniversity 2009 - Weathering the Storm
Thursday, November 6, 2008
First Quarterly State Board Meeting
Meetings are generally held the first Tuesday of every month at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater in Fort Myers. Networking starts at 11:15 a.m. and reservations are required. Members and guests can reserve seats at The cost is $18 for FPRA members, $21 for non-members and $10 for students.
Established in 1938, FPRA is the oldest public relations organization in the country. FPRA is dedicated to developing public relations practitioners, who, through ethical and standardized practices, enhance the public relations profession in Florida.